Is dark matter hiding a mirror world?

We find out if this material is harbouring a reflection of the cosmos

Since we don’t understand a great deal about dark matter, there is a great deal of speculation that surrounds it. Image Credit: Stanford University 

Since we don’t understand a great deal about dark matter, there is a great deal of speculation that surrounds it. Image Credit: Stanford University

Asked by Rebecca Hunt

Dark matter is a poorly understood material that dominates our universe. As a result of this lack of understanding there is a lot of speculation surrounding it.

One of these ideas is that dark matter could hide a lot of information new to science. Because we think that the majority of the universe is made up of dark matter, it means we still have a lot to understand.

However it may not be that simple, because the very existence of dark matter is still being called into question. The reasoning behind the name ‘dark’ is that it doesn’t interact with most of the universe around us. This makes it incredibly tricky to detect. While we have found and can observe the effects of this material, direct observations are few and far between.

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