The spacecraft encountered a hurdle last Friday, when a hiccup during boot-up interrupted its planned activities and triggered a protective safe mode
Curiosity measures a Martian mountain’s gravity
The ‘Mars Buggy’ has measured the gravity of Mount Sharp the same way the Apollo 17 rovers did
Mars orbiter spies Curiosity climbing Mount Sharp
Using the most powerful telescope ever sent to Mars, NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter caught a view of the rover this month amid rocky mountainside terrain
New image reveals holes in Martian rover’s wheel treads
A routine check of the aluminium wheels on Curiosity has found two small breaks on the rover’s left middle wheel
Curiosity finds possible cracking mud on Mars
The features would be evidence that the ancient era included some drying after wetter conditions
Curiosity takes stunning new images of Mars’ surface
The layered geologic past of the Red Planet is revealed in stunning detail in new colour images
NASA release social media game to mark Curiosity’s ‘landiversary’
While the rover explores Mars, gamers can join the fun via a new game, Mars Rover
Take a 360-degree view of Mars through the Curiosity rover
This view of the downwind face of “Namib Dune” on Mars covers 360 degrees, including a portion of Mount Sharp on the horizon
Curiosity sends ‘picture perfect’ postcard from Mount Sharp, Mars
The Martian image comes after NASA’s rover drilled its eighth hole on the Red Planet