The shift between the two hemispheres caused by a wobble on the Earth
Can I see the Magellanic Clouds from the Northern Hemisphere?
Is it possible to catch the Southern Hemisphere’s Magellanic Clouds at the furthest northern latitude?
What is the Southern Cross?
Megan Whewell from the National Space Centre answers this question for us.
Watch LIVE: The southern ‘Ring of Fire’ solar eclipse
On 26 February, an annular solar eclipse will rise and set over a large area of the Southern Hemisphere – don’t miss it!
Mysterious multiple explosions of supernova decoded by Hubble
In the mid-1800s, astronomers surveying the night sky in the Southern Hemisphere noticed something strange about the star Eta Carinae
First global elevation map of Mercury released
The MESSENGER mission has released the first global digital elevation model of the innermost planet
Do you see different phases of the Moon around the world?
Does the Moon look different from the northern and southern hemispheres?