Planets, stars or something entirely different? We take a look to see what brown dwarfs are
Solved! How the universe’s biggest stars become massive
Astronomers have obtained the first detailed face-on view of a gaseous disc feeding the growth of a massive baby star
What happens when a star’s fuel runs out?
We find out what happens when a star uses up all of its fuel
Why are neutron stars so heavy?
We investigate why this is the case
Are planetary nebulae made by supernovae?
We find out if these beautiful structures are made by the titanic explosion of massive stars
Can stars have weather?
We have the answer to this intriguing question
What is a Dyson Sphere?
Meet the future technology that could harness power and energy from a star in the most unusual way
Can we work out an exoplanet’s colour?
We’re able to detect them but is it possible to figure out the colours of the distant worlds we find?
What path do comets follow through the Solar System?
We find out the type of route a comet takes through the solar neighbourhood
NASA Parker Solar Probe blasts off for mission to ‘touch the Sun’
Hours before the rise of the very star it will study, the car-sized spacecraft launched from Florida to begin its journey
How loud would stars be if space was full of air?
If we could hear in space, how far from a star would we need to be to hear it?
What are the dark shapes that I can see in the Orion Nebula?
We zoom in on the famous nebula to find out
Famous exploded star revealed with incredible clarity
NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory has imaged the intricate and energetic features within the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A
Astronomers discover star that won’t die
Supernovae traditionally occur once at the end of a star’s life, but this particular star has exhibited multiple supernovae over the last three years
The making of TRAPPIST-1’s Earth-sized planets uncovered
The system has seven planets as big as our world that orbit close to their star
Space telescope ‘hears’ stellar heartbeat from a planetary companion
“Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we have discovered the first example of a planet that seems to be causing a heartbeat-like behaviour in its host star”
Baby star’s strange geometry assists in solving evolution puzzle
New clues to understanding how dust can find its way to the surface of a forming star have been uncovered
Giant rings around exoplanet found to turn the wrong way
Researchers who were previously involved in the discovery of a ringed alien world have now calculated that the giant rings may persist more than 100,000 years
Watch a double eclipse through the camera of a NASA spacecraft
Earth completely eclipsed the Sun from the Solar Dynamics Observatory’s perspective just as the Moon began its journey across the face of our star
Three giant planets discovered in orbit around Sun’s twins
The findings may help explain the influence that giant planets like Jupiter have over a Solar System’s architecture