This unusual orbit has not been seen before by any other exoplanet or planet within our own solar system
Streams of cool gas spiral into young galaxies to fuel the birth of stars
Astronomers have long sought-after finer details of this cosmic web to explain the incredible rate of star formation
Citizen scientist discovers unusual ancient white dwarf star
The white dwarf is surrounded by a ring of dust and debris and is making astronomers rethink the how planetary systems form
Keck Observatory views Comet Wirtanen in unprecedented detail
The NIRSPEC upgrade at the Keck Observatory has delivered sharper views of Comet Wirtanen
Supermassive black holes caught in the act of merging
The act of galaxies merging are extreme events and result in anarchy that is superb to observe
Young galaxy’s halo could hint towards its evolution
A team of astronomers has discovered a new way to unlock the mysteries of how the first galaxies formed and evolved
Double-world discovery could solve ‘puffy planet’ mystery
Since astronomers first measured the size of an extrasolar planet 17 years ago, they have struggled to answer the question: how did the largest planets get to be so large?
Astronomers get rare chance to see ancient galaxy’s demise
The primordial gas of the Little Cub dwarf galaxy is being stripped away by its much larger neighbour
Chemicals on comets provide clearer snapshot of a young Solar System
These primordial bodies contain material largely unchanged from the birth of the Solar System some 4.6 billion years ago
Hubble captures Neptune’s vortex in new image
New images obtained by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope confirm the presence of a dark vortex in the atmosphere of the ice giant
Rare galaxy cluster with ‘bursting heart’ discovered
An international team of astronomers have discovered a gargantuan galaxy cluster with a core bursting with new stars – an incredibly unusual find