We find out why galaxies are orientated this way
What would Hubble see from a distant galaxy?
We find out what the space telescope can see from a far away galaxy
What makes hypervelocity stars move so fast?
We take a look at what causes these stars to speed across the universe
Supercomputer creates millions of virtual universes to understand galaxy evolution
These “ex-machina” universes will help understand the physical rules that our actual space-time
Astronomers map more of Milky Way’s puzzling cosmic void
The existence of the Local Void has been widely accepted, but it remained poorly studied because it lies behind the centre of our galaxy and is therefore heavily obscured from our view
Solved! How the universe’s biggest stars become massive
Astronomers have obtained the first detailed face-on view of a gaseous disc feeding the growth of a massive baby star
Astronomers uncover new way to measure space’s expansion
Using National Science Foundation (NSF) radio telescopes, we may now have resolved an outstanding question about the cosmos
Quiz: How well do you know black holes?
Think you know everything there is about space’s weirdest objects? See how well you score in our quick-fire!
The universal mystery of the missing mass
NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory has used X-ray powers for the greater good to help solve the long-standing mystery of Universe’s matter
Is dark matter hiding a mirror world?
We find out if this material is harbouring a reflection of the cosmos
Heroes of Space: Clyde Tombaugh
The amateur astronomer who discovered Pluto and visited the dwarf planet after his death
Space telescope captures most of the early universe’s starlight
The analysis estimates the formation rate of stars and provides a reference for future missions that will explore the still-murky early days of stellar evolution
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Heroes of Space: Professor Stephen Hawking
We take a look at the life so far of one of the greatest physicists of the modern day.
Heroes of Space: Henrietta Swan Leavitt
On this day in 1868 an unsung astronomer, who helped to discover our place in the universe, was born
What is Heat Death?
Is this one of the ways the universe could end?
What is a mini black hole?
Are these dense objects scattered throughout the universe?
Newly discovered Star Trek world ‘dead ringer’ for Spock’s home planet
The Dharma Planet Survey has shown that science fiction may be a little less so
What happens when two galaxies collide?
Do things crash together or is it more serene?
How close to the edge of a galaxy can planets exist?
Is there such a thing as a ‘galactic habitable zone’?